Monday, December 9, 2019
Nursing People with Chronic Conditions for Health -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theNursing People with Chronic Conditions for Health. Answer: Introduction Chronic illness refers to the health state and condition which is persistent within or long-lasting within n individual. This type of illness tend to occur with time and if it is inherent from parents or family members. Diseases can be chronic in nature and the effects have the potential to ham the afflicted individual. The individual possessing a chronic disease require constant or frequent medical care and attention. It is likely that the individual would be seriously affected if precautionary measures are not implemented within the appropriate time. In the essay an attempt would be made to understand and assess the possible chronic illness which can happen to an individual provided the fact that the individual has parents who suffered certain diseases. Considering the given case scenario, it can be observed hat Daniel is a man of 52 years who possess several health complications. His father faced death due to cardiac complications while his mother died to the metastatic breast cancer (the cancer was in its last stage where further treatment was not possible). Both the parents were afflicted with serious heart complications. Apart from this fact, Daniel was attacked with acute myocardial infarction (Lundstrm et al.2016). Hence, it can be easily stated that the heart condition of Daniel is sensitive and can be severely critical if proper attention is not given to the illness, the illness is chronic in nature. Daniel was a football player in his young day due to which the condition of his lower back is not good condition. Without proper medical attention, the lower back and the muscle in the knees might wear out and deteriorate in future; it can become a chronic medical issue. It has been observed that the condition of the bronchitis is recurring in Daniel, along with this he is in the first stage of emphysema. The individual who is facing problem of recurring bronchitis and emphysema is likely to have chronic lung problems and breathing complications (Singh Yadav, 2015). The lung bags have started to expand and signs of damage have become apparent. Taking into account the case scenario of Daniel, it is important to mention that the individual is a heavy smoker, finishes two packets of cigarettes per day. This habit would further worsen the condition of the lungs, affecting the other oragans related to respiration in the process (DeMaria et al. 2014). Taking into account the case scenario of Daniel, it is known that his wife Alma and son Noel lives with him. Both of them are working however, Alma is made redundant. In spite of her attempt she is unable to get any job. Negative impact would befall on the family members if Daniel does not start to give attention to the necessity of getting proper health treatment. His habit of smoking is bad for him as well as for the health of his family. Emergence of chronic illness would affect the financial condition of the family, leading to further problems and complications. The responsibility of the family would fall on the shoulder of Noel. Intensive care should be needed by Daniel and it would not be possible for Noel to take constant care of his father since he has to work (Moze, ef?kov, Ra?ek, 2014). It has been perceived that Alma is looking for job but is unable to get success; this is possibly one of the major reasons for getting succumbed to depression. She has been taking medicatio n because of depression issues. Hence, it can be easily understood that she needs health consultation and medical care. The potential chronic illness of Daniel would further impact and aggravate the mental condition of Alma, which might lead to severe stage of depression and anxiety (Patwary Biswas, 2015). Apart from this, the chronic illnesses would limit the working ability of Daniel. He would not be able to take extra work pressure. For instance, air pollution due to vehicles can aggravate the breathing problem of the individuals. As its result his income would reduce to a significant extent. Conclusion Health is an important asset. The individual would not be able to earn and have economic stability if the health condition affected and gets deteriorated. It is necessary for the individual to consider necessary medical treatment and care. It is necessary for the individual to pay attention to health, not only for self but also for the family members who are associated with the affected individual. Introduction Different kinds of model of care are present however considering the given case scenario of Daniel; the most suitable care model for the purpose would be the social model of care. It is true that it pays little attention to the injury and disease, however it should be mentioned that the chronic diseases which are given would generate and become severe if the consideration is not provided to the broader and exterior factors (Ahrens et al. 2016). The particular model highlights the broader factors concerning the health department, like economic, environmental, social and cultural factors. Considering the case scenario, it has been known that the individual used to play football and this has affected the knees and lower back. Daniel changed several occupations before he started to work as a cab driver. His parents had heart problems and he himself suffered from heart problems. His lung issues and recurring bronchitis along with the initial stage of emphysema, all related to the respirat ion system (Baxter et al. 2015). The habit of smoking on a regular basis has deteriorated the respiratory organs of Daniel. He had excessive fat and this had been leading to the problem of artery blockage. Therefore, it can be easily understood that in order to make the model of care applicable in an effective manner, a certain process needs to be conducted for the purpose. The first and the foremost factor which needs to be considered, effort should be made to make Daniel understand the necessity of taking medical care. He should have the knowledge of the importance of taking care of health and the immediate need to improve and better lifestyle. Workplace plays an important role in affecting the health condition of the individual (Vogel et al. 2014). Extra load and work pressure tends to affect the health condition. It is necessary for the workplace to ensure the responsibility of welfare and healthcare of the employees. The GRAB Company needs to give attention to the health condition of Daniel. For instance, health organization and workplace should come together to achieve the purpose. It is necessary for Daniel to get frequent health checkups and get medical insurance. The workplace should have certain rules and regulations keeping in mind the health condition of individuals such as Daniel. People tend to get affected and influenced from society. Daniel is a 52 year old man who changed several occupations, this shows that the unstable condition of his economic condition. Both his parents died from heart complications. His wife is made redundant from her company yet she is looking for jobs while their son also works with Daniel. Therefore, it can be said that the financial condition of Daniel and his family is not good and sufficient (Kingsnorth LeBlanc, 2013). Considering the factor, the government entity of the country needs to consult with the healthcare agencies to consider the improvement economic condition of individuals like Daniel. The Australian government needs to take the initiative. The care model gives importance to the ability of getting access to aids and facilities of healthcare. Health promotion should be conducted. For example, people associated or connected with health and social care needed to spread the necessity of health welfare with the help of v arious programs. Effort should be taken to educate individuals like Daniel as well as Alma to take care of health and the way which can enhance the healthcare process (O'Gara et al. 2013). Conclusion It is recommended for individuals like Daniel to get proper medical and health attention. This is necessary for the afflicted individual as well as for the family or close members who are associated with the individual. Help from external sources like indigenous community, workplace and so on. A patient communication letter Dear Mr. Daniel I hope your health condition is better. In this letter I would like to tell you about the purpose of the plans that we both agreed upon, considering the welfare of your wealth. I need to remind you that your health condition would not improve if you do not take proper medical assistance. You agreed to participate after carefully thinking about your family. I want to appreciate you for your attempt to consider about the agreed plans. I would like to state that we need to have your willing consent and full cooperation for the purpose. Yours sincerely, Michael Ross. A referral letter To the Heart of the Department, Heart Lung Clinic, City of West Torrens, South Australia, 6th Oct 2017, I would like to refer you a patient who has heart complications and lung issues. His father died from heart complications and mother from metastatic breast cancer. Daniel is a patient of myocardial infarction. He has recurring bronchitis and is in the first stage of emphysema. I would like your medical consultancy for the patient. I would be highlight obliged if you respond as soon as possible. Thanking you, Sincerely Michael Ross. Reference List Ahrens, K. A., Silver, R. 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